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Construction Committee 9 18 08
Library Construction Committee
September 18, 2008

Present: Kelly Collins, Pam Czekanski, Panny Gerken, Joel Lindsay, Roland Ochsenbein, John Rodenhiser, Chris Rogers, Mickie Simpson, Bill Strapko.

Present from DPI: Bob White

Present from LL+B: Drayton Fair

Also present: Ann Hurd (Capital Campaign Committee), Burt Shnitzler (Advisory Committee)

Roland called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.

Minutes from the meeting of July 17, 2008 were approved as written (motion: Panny; second, Pam; unanimous in favor).

Invoices under a cover sheet dated August 31, 2008 were paid with the following changes and notes:
·       Due to clerical error, Daedalus Projects’ invoice #2896-080734 in the amount of $1,416.25 was omitted from the cover sheet and total.
·       PODS invoices #044-149651, #044-149652, and #044-149653 are not subject to sales tax as issued. This amounts to removing $4.95 from each invoice. Each invoice should be for $99, not $103.95 as issued.
·       Lerner Ladds + Bartels’ invoice #011-0722 is noted as “revised.”  As originally issued this invoice included sales tax, and markup on sales tax, from which the Town is exempt.  The revised invoice was issued at the library director’s request and approved by Richard Marks before going to the Committee.  

The total amount of all invoices was adjusted to $48,049.70.  Motion to pay: Pam; second, Bill; unanimous in favor.

Bob White presented the project schedule, including a large-sized copy that will be displayed in the library.  Bob announced that filed sub-bids totaled $2,650,502.  The projected general contract will be about twice that, or $5.2M.  The only alternate is the south-facing dormers.

Discussion followed about the best time to meet with the Board of Selectmen to sign the contract.  In order to allow enough time for the OPM to review bids, and for Town Counsel to review the contract, the Committee decided to ask for time on October 16.  Panny reminded those present that the Selectmen will want to see the contract ahead of time, and will also want a timeline and detailed cash flow.  Ann asked for the exact number that the capital campaign will need at the time the contract is signed.  General discussion about cash flow followed.

Bob announced that three bids were received for well drilling:
·       Mike Sullivan, $10,675
·       Ogden, $13,560
·       Zontag, $15,865
The committee voted to accept Mr. Sullivan’s bid (motion: Bill; second: Pam; unanimous in favor).

Bob noted that a small amount (less than $2500) may be needed for site clearing and trimming.  He will meet asap with the Public Safety Building’s OPM, Mike Sullivan, and tree warden Mark Caisse to discuss this.  Bob recalled that the arrangement for payment for the shared well is as follows: Library pays first $25K; PSB pays next $20K; anything over $45K is split 50/50.  Considering the water consultant’s fees, well drilling, and trimming, expenses for the well are now around $26K.

Panny asked about the cost of connecting the building to the well.  Bob replied that the water engineer will design this.

Ann Hurd distributed a handout (attached in hard copy) about the capital campaign and presented its activities and earnings.  In the discussion that followed, Roland asked DPI for guidance on in-kind gifts; specifically, he would like this to be an agenda item for the next meeting.

Drayton and Aimee will meet with the new Building Inspector, Michael Sauvageau, at Town Hall on Tuesday, September 23 at 7 p.m.

Kelly announced that Knight Fuel removed heating oil from the tanks earlier in the day (9/18).  She will remind DPW to drain the water from the building, and to address the use of the cold building alarm.

Roland noted that the library’s surplus property will be sold (in exchange for freewill donations) on Saturday, September 20.  The Trustees are overseeing the sale.  A list of available items is posted on the town website under News and Announcements.

General bids are due on October 1.  Our next meeting will be October 2.

There being no further business, Roland adjourned the meeting at 9 .m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kelly Collins